The LOP circuit module is described in gate level with VHDL, which has passed the logic simulation and verification. It is applied to the design of floating-point adder. LOP电路设计采用VHDL语言门级描述,已通过逻辑仿真验证,并在浮点加法器的设计中得到应用。
Gate-level simulation shows that it is right and rational. 并通过RTL级仿真、综合布线后的门级仿真、表明了设计的合理性和止确性。
This macromodel only consumes 1%~ 0.1% run time of the gate level simulation and its relative error is no more than 20%. 与门级模拟结果相比较,本模型的计算时间下降了2~3个数量级,而相对误差不超过20%。
Gate-level simulation shows that it is right and rational. The netlist of synthesis has passed the gate-level simulation. 最后,对逻辑综合产生的门级网表进行了门级仿真。